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* Herdic Hotel


* Restoration


* Peter Herdic

* Eber Culver


The Park Home

Welcome to the official site of the Park Home. Here you can learn all about the buildings history including biographical information on Peter Herdic, the original owner of the building and Eber Culver, the architect who designed the structure.
You can also find out about the present restoration of the Park Home, and the future plans of the building that will be called 800 Park Place. 
This site also includes other historical information related to the Park Home such as information on Peter Herdic's Williamsport residence, and Severin Roesen, an artist from the Williamsport area whose work was displayed in the Park Home and later purchased by First lady Jackie Kennedy for the White House. 
Press Releases

Contact Information

Rental Space Information

Park Home Photos

Historic Memorabilia

Roesen Paintings

g84bottomL.gif (4109 bytes) The Park Home 
800 West Fourth Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
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